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Six Tips to Stay Asleep During the Night

A recent survey by the National Sleep Foundation reports that Americans insomnia rates increased by 51% to 64% in recent years. Insomnia can cause havoc on the health and lives of people, causing excessive daytime sleepiness and extreme lack of energy.

Lack of sleep can become irritable and depressed and may have trouble focusing on tasks, watch, learn and remember. Insomnia can contribute to accidents with machinery, the imbalance accidents and road accidents while driving.
Some people find it easier to sleep early in the night, but woke up in the middle of the night and can not sleep. The causes of this can come from hormonal changes, lack of exercise, eating foods that are unpleasant, drink alcohol, or a general increase in stress. Whether at 2:00, 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning are usually wakes up and can not fall asleep again. Here are some sleep tips that can help:
1. Use a black eye mask to cover your eyes and earplugs to use to keep the noise out. A dark, cold is ideal for helping to melatonin products of the body, the hormone produced by the brain that helps regulate sleep-wake cycles. A recent study found that the body cooler body temperature signals to sleep.
2. Get some sunshine for a walk during the day. Being exposed to the sun also establish a sleep-wake cycle in a good way. In addition, movement and body exercise helps to better sleep, more restful night.
3. If headaches or stress are a problem, try using a little magnesium. A German study found that 42 percent of people taking magnesium reduces the duration and intensity of their migraines.
4. For women who suffer from hot flashes and night sweats at night, take additional steps for your bedroom to keep cool during the night. Use light bed clothes, blankets use less, and use a damp cloth on your forehead or neck.
5. Calcium is directly related to sleep cycles, therefore, supplements of highly absorbable calcium and magnesium are effective. The pioneer nutritionist Adelle Davis points out that during perimenopause or menopause, lack of estrogen and progesterone can cause symptoms of severe calcium deficiency occur such as irritability, leg cramps, insomnia, hot flashes flashes and night sweats.
6. It can work well for some people to take extra calcium and magnesium directly before bedtime. These minerals are natural relaxants that can lead one through the night better with less sleep interruptions. Capsules based on natural oils mixed with minerals are absorbed more completely than tablets. These supplements should have a calcium 1258 report and magnesium (twice as much calcium as magnesium).
Here to return to sleep at night and sleep deeply and longer.

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