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How To Control an Adrenaline Rush

When you suffer a panic attack, adrenaline rushes through your body. An adrenaline rush is helpful in emergencies but can cause major discomfort when the adrenaline rush occurs in situations that do not require a sudden surge of energy. An adrenaline rush in situations that do not need increased strength or alertness can cause significantly increased blood pressure, shaking, blurred vision and increased heart rate, respiration and perspiration.

Controlling an adrenaline rush is important if you frequently suffer panic attacks. Below are some tips on how to control an adrenaline rush.
  • Understand what it means to control an adrenaline rush. Controlling an adrenaline rush means taking control of your body’s response to certain situations such as stressful or emotional situations. Stressful or highly emotional situations are the major culprits for an adrenaline rush or a panic attack. By controlling how your body responds to situations that trigger an adrenaline rush, you can control the adrenaline rush itself.
  • Determine the causes. Determining the triggers of your adrenaline rush can help you avoid or cope with your adrenaline rush. Take note of situations wherein you experience the symptoms of an adrenaline rush. You can avoid or lessen your exposure to these triggers by determining the nature of your adrenaline rush.
  • Realize the real situation. Re-orient yourself with your surroundings when you are experiencing an adrenaline rush. For instance, if you find that you have an adrenaline rush when your deadline is only a few hours away, or if you need to speak in front of a large audience and experience an adrenaline rush, reassure yourself that the situation is under control and that you will be fine.
  • Breathe. Taking deep, slow breaths can lower your blood pressure, heart rate and breathing rate thereby controlling an adrenaline rush. Take 10 slow, deep breaths to calm you and take control of an adrenaline rush.
  • Decrease stimulant intake. Stimulants such as coffee, cigarettes and sugary food and beverage can increase the likelihood of an adrenaline rush. Slowly decrease the amount of coffee you drink, quit smoking through alternative means and ease off sugary food and drinks to decrease the likelihood of an adrenaline rush.
  • Minimize stress. Stress is a major trigger for an adrenaline rush. Minimize your stress by avoiding stressful situations to control an adrenaline rush. If your lifestyle has a lot of stress involved, you can take up yoga or meditation classes to get your stress levels under control and decrease the instances of an adrenaline rush.
  • Seek professional advice. If you find yourself having an adrenaline rush too frequently, seek medical help from a doctor or a psychiatrist. Certain medications can control an adrenaline rush. Ask for prescription medication specifically made to relax you and control your adrenaline rush.

Following the steps above can help you control an adrenaline rush. Remember to reassure yourself that you are not in a stressful situation that needs an increase in your body’s adrenaline. Lessen caffeine, sugar intake, and quit smoking as stimulants can increase the likelihood of an adrenaline rush. Minimize stress to avoid an adrenaline rush, as stress triggers your body to release more adrenaline to help you cope with stressful situations. If all else fails, seek medical advice.


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