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How To Admit Your Fears

Fear - Just An Emotion
Every human being, at one time or another, experiences bouts of fear.  Fear can be defined as an emotion that causes mental or physical debilitation.  When fear is extraordinary, it can literally paralyze an individual and prevent rational thinking.  The first step in learning how to admit your fears is to look deeply into your feelings.  Decide if they are based on rational thinking.

Many fears are unfounded and are a manifestation of long-forgotten childhood experiences. It's important to remember, first and foremost, that fear is an emotion just as anger, happiness, love and loneliness are emotions.  This reduces fear to a more normal status.  Fear, like anger, should be addressed because these two emotions have the propensity to become destructive.
How To Admit Your Fears
Take personal inventory of emotions regularly so that destructive emotions don't influence decisions and actions.  Identify specific fears by being honest with yourself.  Too often, an individual avoids self-honesty and steers a course that exacerbates insecurities. These insecurities can become major fears. Learning how to admit your fears allows you to rationalize them.
If your fear is one of loss, seek out avenues that fill the loss, even if only for a short period of time.  Time is the balm that diminishes fear.  With fear of loss, it's important to identify the loss for the sense of insecurity it really is.  People often fear loss of a loved one, a job, a favorite pet or their home. This is the time to remind yourself that life recycles of its own volition.  Though what may be lost cannot be regained, life surges forward in an eternal cycle.  Be part of life's cycles.  Allow yourself one full turn of the calendar year to overcome grief or loss.  Twelve months is sufficient time for introspection, resolving anxieties and forming perspective.
Refresh Yourself - Verbalize Your Fears
When you admit your fears freely, they lose their powerful grip.  Admitting your fears allows you to refresh yourself.  The next step is to verbalize your fears to a close friend or relative whom you feel best understands you.  Once your fears are aired, they are more easily released and it's easier to move on.  Knowing that you've resolved all remnants of the issues that contributed to your fears also reduces their magnitude.
Fearless and Brave
Managing life obstacles without fear is a personal freedom.  Reaching the goal of being free from inhibiting fears is a moment-by-moment process, similar to watching a toddler take those first few steps.  Take one small step toward your fears and continue the forward movement until your internal reserves are securely gathered.  Replace insecurities with self-confidence.  Work on building a healthy sense of self-esteem to carry you through fearful episodes, should they occur.


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