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How To Deal with a Wheat Allergy

Wheat is a major food component. After all, it is a staple in the American diet. However, you may not know that wheat contains two common allergens, namely: protein and gluten. Because of that, eating wheat may lead to frustrating reactions. If you are intolerant or allergic to wheat, you may cough incessantly. You may also find it difficult to breathe. You may even vomit.
Other troublesome symptoms include diarrhea, stomach ache, stomach cramps, and skin disorders. Worse reactions may include asthma, hypertension, and anaphylactic shock. Undeniably, dealing with a wheat allergy is frustrating. Here are some instructions you may need to heed:     
  1. Check your food labels. When buying your grocery items, be cautious. See if a particular product you want to buy contains wheat or wheat flour. Kindly note that some dairy products may also have wheat as ingredient. Try to check everything.
  2. Be familiar with the common wheat products in the market. Obviously, your wheat allergy prompts you to avoid wheat and wheat products. Sometimes, wheat products are listed as gluten, bran, and starch. Likewise, you need to be cautious when you are offered to enjoy chocolates, cereals, and baked goods. You may want to say no when you are offered some mixes – pancakes, waffles, pies, and cookies. Say goodbye to some hearty meals like processed meats, breaded meats, some casseroles, and some pastas. Even salad dressings, soups, and alcoholic beverages should be no-no for you, too.
  3. Consider wheat substitutes. There are a lot of good choices. Instead of wheat, enjoy rice flour or soy flour. You may also consider corn flour or arrowroot starch.
  4. Seek for a detailed wheat-free diet. Consult your doctor and ask for it. Your doctor would be in the best position to determine the list of foods that are suitable for you. Of course, he could also identify the ones that you should get away from.
  5. Take the right medications. Your doctor could prescribe what is best for your symptoms. If your symptoms are stomach-related, you could easily deal with them using over-the-counter or prescription drugs. You may also think about undergoing immunotherapy. The medical process involves the injection of small amounts of wheat into your system. It anchors on the theory that eventually, over the years, your body would develop the tolerance to wheat and your allergy to it would soon disappear.
  6. Bring your body back to optimum health. Strive to nourish your body. Take the essential vitamins, particularly Vitamin C. It has a natural antihistamine. Aside from that, it could also improve your adrenal functions. On the other hand,COQ10 is powerful booster for your immune system. It would also do wonders for your heart’s health. Ideal does is 100mg twice a day. Or, you may have Vitamin B5. It helps deal you with stress. You may also have herbs and supplements, whenever necessary.
Your wheat allergy should not stop you from enjoying life and from feeling alive. Address the problem directly. Learn how to treat symptoms.


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