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How To Bring Down Fever in a Child

A fever is when the temperature of the body is higher than the normal levels. This may be caused by another illness that is present in the body. Not all types of fevers are signs of illnesses. In some cases, fevers are caused by being exposed to different weather conditions. However, the fever should be treated if it is very high or if it causing your child to be uncomfortable. There are some things that you can do to lower your child’s temperature without having to resort to giving medicine.
Here are some tips on how you can lower the fever in a child:
  • Sponge bath. Give your child a sponge bath. When doing this, you have to remember to use only lukewarm water. Using cold water is not advisable as this can make your child shiver. While you are giving the sponge bath, concentrate on the areas of the body where heat is most present. These areas are on the forehead, the back of the knees and neck and under the armpits. The lukewarm water should bring down the fever a few degrees.
  • Drink a lot of fluids. Having a fever can cause the body to lose the liquids faster. That is why it is important to keep a child with a fever hydrated. The most basic liquid you can give is water or Gatorade. Avoid giving soda and other drinks with caffeine. You can also give your child food, such as soup or gelatin.
  • Dress in lightweight clothes. It is important that your child wears lightweight clothing. This will allow the body to breathe and the heat from the body can escape the body easily. This may help the temperature to return back to normal. If your child is feeling cold, just use a light blanket to cover the body.
  • Get plenty of rest. When your child has a fever, it is better to skip school. This will give your child time to rest. It doesn’t necessarily mean that your child has to stay in bed all day. Just stick to doing activities that will not require much body strength or effort from the child.
  • Room temperature. If your child has fever, let him stay in a room that has normal temperature. Do not make the room too hot or too cold as this can affect the fever of the child.
  • Eat in moderation. It is not necessary that your child sticks to a light diet when he has fever. Your child can eat anything he wants, as long as it is in moderation. If your child does not feel like eating, do not force him to do so.
These are some of the things that you can do in order to bring down the fever in a child. If the fever still remains after a few days, it is better to bring your child to your pediatrician. This is also advisable if there are other complaints, such as sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea or headache.

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