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How To Build a Chin-up Bar

Why would you spend about $100 for something you can have for about $10? Late night infomercials claim that their expensive chin-up bar is a cheap alternative to gym chin-up bars. The plain truth is these products are so simple that you can do a chin-up bar for yourself.
Follow the steps below and you will discover how easy and cheap it is to build your very own chin-up bar:
  • Find the perfect spot for the chin-up bar. Usually, you can find this over your door. Just make sure this location is comfortable enough for your workout.
  • Measure. How long is the perfect chin-up bar for you? Make it longer than what you need. It’s easier to work out on a longer bar than settle on a shorter bar.
  • Measure for your needed wooden board, too. It should be longer and wider than your planned chin-up bar. Give at least an eight-inch allowance from the door’s top, as well.
  • Taking the measurement should help you decide on the things you’ll need to build a chin-up bar. The following things are usually used for this. Maybe you can get some ideas for your To-Buy list from the things listed below:
    • 2x12 inches, six feet board
    • Assorted black pipe section, ¾ inch
    • Assorted couples, ¾ inch
    • Mounting brackets
    • Lag bolts
    • Fender washers
    • Countersunk bolts and nuts
    • Washers
  • You can use the same materials and customize on the measurement.
  • Assemble. Put together the pipes using a pipe wrench. Work on a bench or floor, or anywhere comfortable when doing this. Make sure that you attach each pipe so tightly. Accidents might occur just because of loose pipes. This step might take some time to finish especially that you need to double check every section. Just be patient—it’s better than build a dangerous chin-up bar.
  • Attach the bar. Check the pipes again if they are tightly attached to each other. Use bolts, nuts, and washers to attach the pipe bar on the board. It should fit perfectly on the board. If not, make the necessary adjustments like removing a piece of the pipe or adding length for the board.
  • Attach the board. Use the fender washers and lag bolts for attaching the board over the door. Make sure the board is securely attached on the wall by tying the board to two studs attached on each side of your door’s opening.
  • Safety check. Try to do some chin ups on the bar and assess its safety. The board and the bar should not move when you do chin ups. They should be kept in placed and not even a small movement should occur. Secure the bar with more bolts or more brackets until the attachment is steady.
With a newly attached chin-up bar, you can now continue your upper body training without going to the gym. Just watch out for any inconsistencies on your bar. Simple problems on its assembly should be fixed right away or you might find yourself with a broken bone because of your negligence. 


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