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The List of Tendinitis Cures

This article is going to discuss many of the tendinitis cures. Call it what you would like, most of these cures will work in most cases, depending of course to the severity of the of the illness. You will see my use of words, tendinitis or even tendinitis, so either word is going to work and will mean the same thing. So let's get started.
Let me first tell you what the tendon's do. Tendon's are the ropes of fibrous tissue that will connect the muscles to the bones. Tendinitis is the inflammation of the tendon. It will and can strike just about any person. It will occur in any joint of the body, but is most often found int he areas that are widely used for a variety of activities and repetitive movements (RSI - repetitive stress injury). This illness is very common to musicians, typist, assembly-line workers, professional phone bank worker and many others. And as mentioned above, this is due to the repetitive movements that these people do.
Start Your Tendinitis Treatment ASAP
If you are lucky enough to be able to catch and properly diagnose it in its earliest stages, or even at least before the point the pain is unmanageable with home remedies and over the counter drugs, you have a great chance for a cures. You also have a better chance for a cure compared to someone who had waited and the symptoms are more severe. When you get to the point where the pain is to much to bear, a natural cures will probably not work well or not at all. Some of the following cures listed below you will be able to do from home. As mentioned earlier for these tendinitis cures to work, you much start early in the symptoms. Don't let it get out of hand.
So what are some of the cures? These cures are not really in a list of importance. You can mix and match the remedies as you wish. Some cures will work better than other's, so just keep trying them. These cures have been proven to work from people all over the world.
The Most Important Tendinitis Cure of Them All
Probably with out a doubt the most important of all the cures is REST. While resting may not really qualify as an "alternative treatment" for curing tendinitis, it is definitely the most crucial. In fact resting must and should be included in all of your cures.
Tendinitis Cures that You Can do at Home
Ice therapy is a fantastic cure, because it help to alleviate the inflammation. Ice therapy is a natural remedy to treat this illness because it will reduce the inflammation, which is one of the main causes of the pain. This cure can definitely be done at home and should be done as soon as you feel the pain. To most successfully employ ice therapy, you should apply ice to the affected area for 15 to 30 minutes and repeat every few hours. Between treatments you should allow the area to warm up and not allow it to get to numb. Tendinitis is painful, and while RICE (rest, ice compression and elevation) is the primary cures, you will be able to find other treatment that can help.
Another popular and alternative cure, as long as the tendon isn't to terribly sore to the touch is a massage. You can do the massaging by yourself or have someone help you. If the area is located where you are not able to perform the massage yourself, you maybe can get one of your family members to lend you a hand and help you get the area massaged. Tendinitis cures are many and another idea is to have some physical therapy. Your doctor will probably have to prescribe this, and you can try this after some of the other methods have not worked for you.
Vitamins & Supplements for a Cure
Vitamins and supplements are another are another cure. Calcium and magnesium supplements can help soothe the pain. Another supplement that you can try is also is to increase your intake of Vitamin C. Some other natural cures that you may want to try are herbal teas. These teas can help with the pain and inflammation. Another choice would be to start to change you diet, which can eliminate the pain.
Some other cures that have worked are stretching and strengthening exercises, splints and even injections. One of the products that we will recommend highly as a cure is OxyFLEX. This comfort cream is a non-prescription topical cream. This pain relief cream when applied directly to affected area provides immediate pain relief. This comfort cream will also work "naturally" for arthritis, backache, muscle sprains and strains, joint pain and discomfort, carpal tunnel and many other musculoskeletal problems. Another product that works well as a cure is Total Tendinitis Relief from exclusive health products. There as many amazing success stories about this product. Some people have stated "To my surprise Total Tendinitis Relief seems to have helped keep the problem under control" and "After taking this product, I have NO more pain." This is a product that I would highly recommend you try. Just click the links here and choose which one you would like to try.
Let's Finish Up the Cures this Way
In conclusion, you can see that there are many different types of cures. Now there are drawbacks. Sometimes the tendinitis cures like Ice packs and cortisone injections are not always the right choice. Ice, supplements and even a massage will not have much effect on curing your illness if you do not rest the affected area. This is a must REST. When you have determined that tendinitis is what you have, give yourself plenty of rest and stay off or not use the effected area. But as a last resort and in some extreme cases before surgery, cortisone injections may be administered directly into the effected area or tendon. I hope you enjoyed the article.

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