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Ten Reasons Why You Suck at Exercise

I know you hate my title, but hey give me a chance to explain.

Exercising is one of hardest things to accomplish daily, but it is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle.

Here are ten reasons why you may suck at exercise and how to do better.

1. No exercise plan. You go to the gym and have no idea what to do or understand how to use any of the equipment.

Do better: Take the time to plan your exercise out. If possible sign-up for a session with a personal trainer at your gym. They are always willing to help you come up with an exercise plan plus as an added bonus learn how to use the equipment in the gym.

2. Wasted Time. You watch television, you talk on the phone, and you post on social media constantly. Hey, I think we have found your wasted time where you could be exercising instead.

Do Better: Instead of wasting time let's try exercise, during those times instead. For example, take a walk instead of talking to Susie about what happened on the latest drama filled reality show.

3. Not doing enough. OK this is a tricky one, because how do you know if you have exercised enough. Exercise should be balanced with what you eat. If you going to eat badly then be prepared to exercise a lot. (I don't suggest doing this) For example, a donut can have 175-550 calories or more. It can take between 30minutes to an hour to burn off the calories with moderate exercise.

Do Better: Exercise appropriately. Balance your exercise with how you are eating. Do not expect to lose weight if you overeating your calories and not burning them with exercise.

4. Hated it, Exercise that is. You hate everything about exercise to the point that you avoid it with all cost. I know I was their once and I hated to exercise just the thought of sweating made me break out in hives. How to fix it?

Do Better: Find an exercise that you like. Exercise can be as simple as hula hopping or as hard as training for a 10K marathon. Exercise is in your hands as long as you are doing something you like then it counts.

5. Too Expensive. You cannot afford a gym membership. You think that exercise can only be done in a gym. FALSE, exercise can be done anywhere you chose.

Do Better: If a gym is too expensive for you consider alternative options. Work out at home, collect workout DVD's to complete at home, or search for exercise programs to complete at home.

6. Looking for fast results. You stop exercising because you do not see any results. You are looking for fast weight-loss, so you just stop exercising.

Do Better: Remember it takes 14 days to a month to see physical results from exercise, but you can benefit from the emotional results immediate. Exercise produces endorphins which can make you happy and just knowing that you are actually exercising to achieve your goal will help.

7. Pain. You do not know how to manage muscle soreness after exercising, so you mistake it as an injury. If the pain is consistent regardless of exercise then it is time to see a doctor.

Do Better: Get a check-up before starting any exercise program. Learn how to treat muscle soreness such as using ice, taking an over-the-counter medicine, or just by starting light and building up your exercise program.

8. You are lonely. You think that you need a partner to exercise. I understand this need to bring a friend because this is how I started out by walking with my friend around the block until she started having excuses for not wanting to walk.

Do Better: You do not need someone to exercise with because exercise can be a solo act, but if you need it then sign-up for group exercise. Google can become your best friend because it will be helpful in finding the next group exercise to join.

9. Lack motivation. You don't have motivation to exercise.

Do Better: Find motivation because it is inside you, but just for kicks and giggles. You can try to not only do an exercise that you like, but do it with motivational music. Create a hot playlist to exercise to, read a great book while exercising, or read about/follow people on social media who have reached their weight-loss goals to keep you motivated on your own journey.

10. You are not serous. You just don't want to exercise. You are not ready to commit to exercise. You are not ready to change your habits. Well exercise is not for you then save this article for when you ready. Good luck you may just suck at exercise just a little longer.

Around the web I am known as urbanmschick. I run a blog dedicated to health, fitness, and lifestyle choices. My posts are insightful and can be humorous at times, but they always give a much needed message.

Fabian B Crawford

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