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How To Get Your Online Business Up And Running

Starting an online business on your own can be an intimidating task. You probably have questions like, where do I start? How do I start? What do I do?

Well I'm going to tell you exactly what you need to do in order to start your own online business.

Choose Your Vehicle

Think of your business as a vehicle to success. There are many vehicles in this world, but they all pretty much do the same thing (they get you from point A to point B at different speeds).

Your vehicle is simply a product or service that you're going to be selling.

You can sell your own products and services, or you can sell someone else's products and services. When you sell another person's products and services, that is called, affiliate marketing.

You can be a product owner or you can be an affiliate marketer.

Choose Your Niche

If you didn't know, a niche is a specific part of a market where you can sell targeted product and services.

So in order to choose your niche, you need to ask yourself these questions.

What will you sell?

Who will you sell to?

Some of the more popular niche products you could sell include, weight loss products, weight lifting products, sports products, hair products, etc...

What services will you sell?

You could sell traffic generation services, content creation services, technical services, etc...

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Build A Base

A base is basically a website or online platform where people can learn more about you and also get in contact with you.

Brand yourself with your own website or social media page. (For example, Facebook page, YouTube channel, Facebook profile, Twitter profile, etc..)

Every successful business has a base website or a social media page, because it allows you to be omnipresent.

Having a base allows you to be present to everyone in one place, even though you might live on the other side of the world from someone, that person will still be able to get in contact with you by visiting your base website and sending you a message.

Drive Traffic To Your Offer

Free traffic and paid traffic are your two options.

Free Traffic Examples include, video marketing, article marketing, social media marketing, door-to-door selling, flyers, business cards, forum marketing, etc...

Paid Traffic Examples include, Facebook ads, Bing Ads, Google ads, Banner ads, etc...

I recommend you start out with free traffic so that you don't go broke. After you have gotten some decent results from free traffic, you can combine free and paid traffic methods to get a rush of targeted visitors to your offers on a daily basis.

Build An Email List

Build a list of subscribers and customers that you can keep in touch with and also market to in the future.

Place an opt-in box on your website and/or create a squeeze page where your visitors can sign up to your email list where they can get updates from you.

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